And on the last day of creation, God created a watercolor,
and he saw that it was good ...
(c) The Gospel of Durer
I am an russian artist Olga Shipilova and I live in Cyprus.
I am a watercolorist.
For some, the word "watercolor" is associated with child painting, but I know that it was with watercolors that great art began. Watercolor was the first paint that a people took in his hands.
Ocher, diluted with water, which made the first cave paintings, is a watercolor.
The colors that the ancient Egyptians used to paint on papyrus are watercolors!
The illustrations that medieval scribal monks used to decorate manuscripts are watercolors.
Oil, tempera, prints, еverything came later... At first there was watercolor.
The art of painting began with watercolors, and if it ever ends, it will end - also with watercolors. Watercolor will die last, because it is simple, unpretentious, and where you can find a source of water and any natural pigment, there will also be watercolor.
Watercolor is the most accessible type of painting. And my mission is to make it even more accessible.
It literally pisses me off when people decorate the walls of their apartments with terribly tawdriness "cheap" prints bought in IKEA or Walmart. By the way, the word “cheap” here has a figurative meaning, because sometimes such prints cost as much as if they were printed on parchment from the skin of a rare unicorn.
We, watercolor painters, have an alternative.
You may not know that the ink that modern inkjet printers use is actually not ink, but the same watercolor paint. Skillfully using this circumstance, it is possible to create copies of watercolor paintings on the printer that can be distinguished from the original only under a microscope. This technology is called Giclee.
For some time now I began to duplicate all my paintings in the Giclee technology. And as far as I know, many watercolor painters do the same. Let's remove these awful mass prints out of the housings.
Not everyone can afford to buy an original painting. Giclee, being practically indistinguishable from the original, is often cheaper than a mass imprint printed in a million copies. Moreover, take in mind, the artist signs each copy of the author's Giclee in the same way as the original.
I created this site to flood the world with good, affordable and quality watercolor art.
This is the minimum that I can do to make this world a better place.
Viva Albrecht Durer!
Albrecht Durer. Watercolor "Young hare". 1502 year.